News Release

Aug 2, 2024Canon Electronics at Small Satellite Conference 2024

Canon Electronics will participate in Small Satellite Conference 2024 from August 3 to 8 in Utah State University, U.S.A.

The 38th annual, the conference is one of the largest academic and business conferences for small satellite and has been held at Utah State University almost every year since 1987. Last year, in 2023, approximately 3,700 people from 44 countries participated.

At our booth, you can see our satellite/components/space telescope mock-up and images captured by CE-SAT series. We will also present about our R&D achievements and satellite business at the “Japan Tea Party” on August 5.

Please feel free to stop by and chat with us at our booth #18 on the 2nd floor of Taggart Student Center

【Small Satellite Conference 2024】
Conference date: Saturday, August 3 to Thursday, August 8
Exhibition date: Monday, August 5 to Thursday, August 8
Japan Tea Party: Monday, August 5/8:00-9:00am (at President Hall)
Venue: Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Our Booth: #18 (Taggart Student Center (TSC) Main-Floor2)
Official site of Small Satellite Conference 2024 :


Canon Electronics Inc.
Satellite Systems Laboratory
Strategy Development & Operation Div.
Contact Form>
